James Stuart Dies a Month After Crash

February 8, 2023

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    James Stuart Dies a Month After Crash

    February 8, 2023

    San Diego Man Killed Following Pedestrian Accident 

    67-year-old James Stuart died a month after being struck by a vehicle in National City on December 29th.

    Stuart was rushed to Scripps Mercy Hospital around 6 in the evening that day where he later died on January 29th.

    Stuart had other medical issues including COVID-19 which contributed to his death.

    The involved driver dialed 9-1-1 after the crash and was fully cooperative with authorities. 

    An active investigation remains underway.

    Avian Law Group sends our sincerest condolences to the loved ones of James Stuart. 

    California has the highest pedestrian fatality rate which is 25% higher than the national average. 

    Due to the vulnerability that pedestrians face on the road, it is important that they take the proper precaution. Below are some tips: 

    • Avoid distractions (headphones, use of cell phone)
    • Be aware of your surroundings 
    • Adhere to all traffic laws & signals 
    • Always use the crosswalk 

    If you or a loved one has fallen victim to a pedestrian crash, contact Avian Law Group today. You can reach our firm at (888) 231-3513.

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