Car Accident Kills Evelyn Mendelson

February 3, 2023

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    Car Accident Kills Evelyn Mendelson

    February 3, 2023

    Highway 62 Crash Kills Woman in San Bernardino County 

    A head-on collision resulted in the death of Evelyn Jane Mendelson, 67, on Saturday.

    Just before 10:30 a.m., two vehicles collided on Highway 62 in San Bernardino County.

    It was on January 28th when the wreck occurred.

    Mendelson suffered severe injuries and sadly died at the scene. 

    CHP is actively investigating the collision. 

    While head-on collisions account for just 2% of all motor-vehicle accidents, they make up 10% of all fatal accidents. 

    These types of crashes are most common on two-lane highways and more than half result in a fatality. 

    Contact Avian Law Group today if you or a loved one has suffered from a head-on collision. You can reach our firm at (888) 231-3513.

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